Auction Meeting with Pacific Continental Bank
Hi Kyle:
Yes, that will work. See you on Thursday, Feb 21st.
Thank you,
On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 3:04 PM, Kyle Baisch wrote:
Hi, Marie.
Good afternoon, a conflict has come up for me on Feb. the 20th at 10am. Any chance that Thursday the 21st at 10am would work for you? Thanks!
–KyleGood afternoon, I hope that all is well! I’ve got your event on the calendar and it would definitely be a good idea to meet and start discussing the logistics. Preferably the last two weeks of February would be good for me. I’d also like to invite one of my co-workers, Andrew Harper, to join us if he’s available. Thanks Marie.
Best regards,
Kyle A. Baisch
Senior Relationship Banking Assistant
Pacific Continental Bank
222 SW Columbia Street, Suite 1650 l Portland, OR 97201
503-350-5193 (direct) l 503-350-5170 (fax)
503-350-1205 (main) l 877-231-2265 (toll-free)