Abigail Heringer

- What is your name? Abigail Heringer
- How old are you? 26
- What city and state do you live in? New York, NY
- What years and grades did you attend Tucker Maxon? Preschool 1997 – 2000
- Did you have a favorite place/space on campus? The playground! Some of my earliest memories were playing with my friends during recess.
- What caused your hearing loss? I was born profoundly deaf.
- What kind of tools do you use to support your hearing today? I use a cochlear implant.
- Do you primarily use speech, ASL, or both? I primarily use speech! I took ASL for two years in high school but I’m not proficient in it.
- What did you study in college, and/or what kind of work do you do, or want to do? I studied Finance and I work in a budget department for an event planning and marketing agency based in Beaverton!
- Please share an accomplishment you are especially proud of. I passed Level 1 of the CFA Exam on my first try!
- What is your favorite place you’ve travelled to? Paris, France! I traveled with some of my friends a few years ago and it was a blast!
- What do you look forward to most each day? My morning coffee
- Please share something you learned as a student at Tucker Maxon that has stayed with you.
That with hard work I can do anything! Tucker Maxon gave me the opportunity to be a regular kid in a language rich environment. I really felt like I was there like any other preschooler while learning to speak and listen. - Any words of advice for today’s Tucker Maxon students (deaf/hard-of-hearing, typical, or both)?
Having a positive mindset is everything! Dealing with a hearing loss can be very difficult and frustrating at times, but the more positive and confident you can be when dealing with these types of situations will allow you to become more comfortable with what makes you different!
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